RMS 5.5 of TAU. Just trying with RhoSim, I get :
PWD: D:\Rhoworkspace\test
CMD: rake clean:android
>>>> A cacert.pem bundle could not be downloaded.
-$TIME$- message [ config:android START ] time is { 2022-05-04T07:26:09Z } milliseconds from start (0)
-$TIME$- message [ First timestamp ] time is { 2022-05-04T07:26:09Z } milliseconds from start (0)
getting cert bundle
RET: 1
PWD: D:\Rhoworkspace\test
CMD: rake run:android:rhosimulator --trace rho_debug_port=9000 rho_reload_app_changes=0
cd d:/RhoMobileSuite5.5.0.7/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rhodes-
** Invoke run:android:rhosimulator (first_time)
** Invoke config:set_android_platform (first_time)
** Execute config:set_android_platform
** Invoke config:common (first_time)
** Invoke config:initialize (first_time)
** Invoke config:load (first_time)
** Execute config:load
>>>> A cacert.pem bundle could not be downloaded.
-$TIME$- message [ First timestamp ] time is { 2022-05-04T07:26:12Z } milliseconds from start (0)
getting cert bundle
RET: 1